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Basic Well Log Analysis for Geologists PDF Free Download

Basic Well Log Analysis for Geologists” is a comprehensive guide that provides an introduction to well log analysis techniques for geologists in the oil and gas industry. The book covers fundamental concepts of well logging, including the types of well logs, log response, and log interpretation. The author explores various well-logging methods, including resistivity, acoustic, and nuclear logging, and provides practical insights into their interpretation and application.

The book also includes case studies that illustrate the practical application of well-log interpretation techniques in the field. “Basic Well Log Analysis for Geologists” is a valuable resource for geologists, petrophysicists, and other industry professionals who are interested in improving their understanding of well logging and its applications in reservoir characterization and well performance.

The book provides practical insights and recommendations for optimizing well-log interpretation techniques, including data acquisition, processing, and analysis, and is a must-read for anyone involved in well logging in the oil and gas industry.

Author: George Asquith

Language: English

Pages: 244

Publishing Date: 01-Jan-2004

Basic Well Log Analysis for Geologists or Log Analysis by Microcomputer is a book of Geology written by George Asquith with Charles Gibson. To get this book, download Basic Well Log Analysis for Geologists Pdf Free from our website.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Basic Relationships of Well Log Interpretations.

Chapter 2: The Spontaneous Potential Log.

Chapter 3: Resistivity Logs.

Chapter 4: Porosity Logs.

Chapter 5: Gamma Ray Log.

Chapter 6: Log Interpretation.

Chapter 7: Lithology Logging and Mapping Techniques.

Chapter 8: Log Interpretation Case Studies

Appendices of Charts used in Plotting.



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Faizan Gul

I am Faizan Gul, a Blogger and Petroleum Engineering graduate from Quetta, Balochistan. My aim for creating this website is to provide free books for the students and professionals working in different departments of Petroleum Engineering.

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